Walmart's Early Access Deals
Walmart is a global retail giant offering a diverse range of products at competitive prices in-store and online. With Black Friday early access sales for members, it coni…
Senior Product Designer
Nov 2023

Customers feel confusion when searching Walmart for Black Friday deals and they are unable to separate those from our “everyday deals”.
The problem
Customers feel confusion when searching Walmart for Black Friday deals and they are unable to separate those from our “everyday deals”.
Customers feel confusion when searching Walmart for Black Friday deals and they are unable to separate those from our “everyday deals”.
In order to fully align with the agent's workflow, we dived into agent interviews to learn more about their journey. We interviewed 8+ agents to validate what's working and the areas we can improve on to align with the agent's mental model. Below are some key insights from the user interviews we had with both new agents and agents who have used our product:
Based on our findings, it was clear that agents want clarity as our existing experience is not easily understood by our users.
The initial steps are unclear (do they start by adding a buyer? What action do they take next?) and the rationale behind certain actions is not easily understood.
A complicated user experience only requires agents to contact an Account Manager for real-time support and guidance on the offer process which overall adds cognitive effort to the users.
Understanding user types
In order to fully align with the agent's workflow, we dived into agent interviews to learn more about their journey. We interviewed 8+ agents to validate what's working and the areas we can improve on to align with the agent's mental model. Below are some key insights from the user interviews we had with both new agents and agents who have used our product:
Based on our findings, it was clear that agents want clarity as our existing experience is not easily understood by our users.
The initial steps are unclear (do they start by adding a buyer? What action do they take next?) and the rationale behind certain actions is not easily understood.
A complicated user experience only requires agents to contact an Account Manager for real-time support and guidance on the offer process which overall adds cognitive effort to the users.

Teamwork makes the dreamwork
It takes a village to put together the holiday experience. As a team, we touch on various parts of the product and need to work with partners both in our design team and external Walmart teams. This is a quick overview of who those key partners would be.
Business partners
I was part of the weekly business stakeholer meeting to disucss…
Design Research
The scroll variant in @framer hits differently. Never imaged that making some complex things would be easy with that. Everyday i learn something new with Framer.
Worked closely with partners to determine the events .. understanindg the times
I partnered up with the Creative team to work on the banner specs …
System Design Team
I learned how to build a website in @Framer! My goal was to learn the basic tools in about 20 minutes a day last week. Nothing fancy. No special design. Just random elements that's responsive. If I can do it, so can you!
Aquisition team
I partnered up with the Creative team to work on the banner specs …
Product Team
Partned closely with the product team to review technical constraints…
Product Team
Partned closely with the product team to review technical constraints…
I have been in a @framer rabbit hole for the past 6 hours without even noticing as time goes by — its everything I love in Figma combined with everything I love in Webflow. I am in love.
Our guiding principles
I defined core design principles for our team to go by so that it keeps the entire team on the same path as I move through the design process
Keep it simple
From message to navigation and interactions - it will be 100% seamless.
Make the value obvious & clear
From W+ benefits to item deals, customers always know exactly what they’re getting and when.
No dead ends
From previews to purchase, customers will be able to go through a flow with a clear action.
Defining Principleas
North Star: A Black Friday experience that accomdates all aspects of the customer journey planning (e.g. pre-event, reveal, favoriting) and active shopping with a personalized value prop (e.g rewards, W+ lok and feel) based on member status.
Allow for pathways into other holiday experiences
Ease of navigation between BF pre-experience, BF active event, always on savings, holidays while maintaining SEO value
Highlight value for special buys and/or select EDLP items that do not have strike through was/now
Understanding the event types.
Based on the insights during the research phase, I was then able to start ideating and coming up with different design concepts that would solve the problem of agents being unclear about the next steps. After some designs were completed, we then tested the prototype with our Transaction Coordinators, Agents, and some Account Managers.
Ideation based on guiding principles
Based on the insights during the research phase, I was then able to start ideating and coming up with different design concepts that would solve the problem of agents being unclear about the next steps. After some designs were completed, we then tested the prototype with our Transaction Coordinators, Agents, and some Account Managers.

iterating & jumping to high fidelity. using the color palette from creative team
Based on the insights during the research phase, I was then able to start ideating and coming up with different design concepts that would solve the problem of agents being unclear about the next steps. After some designs were completed, we then tested the prototype with our Transaction Coordinators, Agents, and some Account Managers.

A lot of meetings with different teams.
busincess , product,dafsldskfa everone. tech constraints. what are things we can achieve.
Agents are now able to quickly make a decision and understand what action needs to be taken at a quick glance
Reducing the cognitive load allows for quicker decisions to be made
Providing simple language that is easy to understand the next steps
feedback from leadershjip. is how do we get useres to shop transactable items during easrly access.
User research shows that people typically don’t read so I had to think of a way to reduce cognitive load while serving the goal of getting users to learn more about our cash product. The solution here was to provide clear messaging and education around buying power using simple language. Additionally, breaking up the content into clearly labeled and visually defined areas on the page created clarity.
Our agents had a difficult time managing their properties from the iOS app since we were not matching the agent's mental model by surfacing relevant information they would need to see.
Creating a proper visual hierarchy allows the design to communicate levels of importance so agents can quickly scan for desired information.
Surfacing relevant information based for agents to complete their tasks.
Clear call-to-action buttons
New modules & specs
Based on user research, we learned that there is an opportunity to launch a property tab within the navigation which would streamline the agent's user journey as they are on-the-go writing offers.
Clear navigation
Based on user research, we learned that there is an opportunity to launch a property tab within the navigation which would streamline the agent's user journey as they are on-the-go writing offers.
Tile takeovers?
Based on user research, we learned that there is an opportunity to launch a property tab within the navigation which would streamline the agent's user journey as they are on-the-go writing offers.
Highlighting special buys. leading to more transactions
Based on user research, we learned that there is an opportunity to launch a property tab within the navigation which would streamline the agent's user journey as they are on-the-go writing offers.